Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Move Over Courier and Ives...

...Christmas comes to Cary! This past Saturday morning, I got up early and ventured out to Target to run some errands. Most Saturday mornings I sleep in. But I decided to take advantage of the crisp fall air and go out and about in the morning.

On my way to Target, I stopped by my local Starbucks and picked up my grande soy latte. Christmas was in full swing at the 'Bucks, and I was quickly overcome with the intoxicating mix of "The Christmas Song" by Nat King Cole and caffinated coffee aromas wafting from the coffee bar. Mmmm...I should work there.

When I hopped back in the car to continue on to Target, I discovered that one of the local radio stations is playing Christmas music too! Now, I am ALL about some Christmas and holiday cheer, but thought to myself that it was a little too early to hear "Please Come Home For Christmas" by the Eagles. However, already high on Christmas from Starbucks, I shrugged this "it's too early" nonsense off and decided to embrace the Christmas music. After all, Thanksgiving is next week and that is the real kickoff to Christmas.

By the time I arrived at Target, I was fully caffinated and singing right along with Burl Ives on the radio. Burl! You're a classic! When I pulled into the parking lot, I found myself surrounded by two dozen geese! There is a pond near the shopping center next to Target, and I guess the geese were making their way over to it! I had to proceed cautiously to my parking space, as many of the geese were walking right into the road. The geese were so cute, and I couldn't help but feel as though I were in a Courier and Ives Christmas card (minus the snow, the Christmas tree, the ornaments, and more. Oh well. I was still in my Starbucks induced Christmas stupor).

I ran my errands quickly (it's amazing how quiet Target is at 9:30 am). I did make one indulgent purchase (which I completely blame on the intoxicated state I found myself in at Starbucks): brown flannel sheets with light blue snowflakes! Not only are the cute snowflake sheets the colors of our wedding, but they are cute snowflake sheets! Knowing that we were having overnight guests for Thanksgiving, I couldn't help but buy some fun sheets for the guest bed.

After loading up the car with my goodies from Target (yay, sheets!), I made my way back home. I was still in a great holiday mood, although I was quickly brought back to my senses when I heard John Mellencamp's "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" on the radio. That song should NEVER be played on the radio. In fact, I would go so far as to say that the Cougar should have never made a Christmas album in the first place. I guess when they start playing all the crappy Christmas songs on the radio, you know Christmas can't be too far away. Happy Holidays everyone!



Will said...

Darn you northerners and your crisp fall air! It's just now starting to "cool down" below 80 here in Tampa and we don't really even have any pretty leaves to look at. A hot cup of 'Bucks just isn't the same with sweat dripping into it. I welcome the day when I can take a pair of scissors to my Florida driver's license.

But I'm not bitter...

Melanie said...

This morning it was a brisk 41 degrees! It is suppose to get down into the 30's tonight.

Don't worry Will, next month will come soon enough and you'll be back in the land of four seasons.