Friday, November 30, 2007

Hollywood Writers Beware

Last night as I was laying in bed trying to keep warm and trying to fall asleep, my husband and I flipped on The Tonight Show. With the Writer's Guild strike in full swing, we expected yet another re-run. What we didn't expect was a re-run from 1995. Jay Leno's hair was black. The jokes of choice were about the OJ Simpson trial...remember, the one about the murder, not about breaking into the Las Vegas casino. And the first guest was Jennifer Anniston from the "hot new NBC series Friends."

Wow. I expected a re-run, but NBC really out did themselves. I mean, they didn't just run re-run, they ran a "I can't believe Jay Leno ever had any other hair color other than gray and wow Jennifer Anniston's nose looks big and I can't believe we ever thought that outfit she was wearing was in style - cool scrunchie - and man the economy is great - go President Clinton!"

I wonder what will appear next on the air? Could this be the beginning of a new era in television - classic TV all day, every day? Could prime time showings of Saved by the Bell and Hanging With Mr. Cooper be next? Will Johnny Carson be hosting The Tonight Show this evening? Will I be able to watch classic episodes of Law & Order on regular network television and who the hec shot JR?!

Maybe the writers should be worried. Maybe American television viewers will say "good riddance to all your new hot shows, you spoiled Hollywood writers!" and hold out for Perfect Strangers, LA Law and Life Goes On to appear in prime time. Hollywood writer, I'd watch your back if I were you. You may be withholding your wit and quips right now, but DJ Tanner, Zack Morris, Doogie Howser and Paul Buchman might just have the last laugh.

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