Thursday, November 1, 2007

Episode 1: Bostic Family Halloween

As you can clearly see from the photo above, we like Star Wars. Jason has loved the series since he was a little kid. I only recently began to appreciate and love the series. This year, we decided to do a Star Wars theme for Halloween. I transformed myself into Princess Leia, and we brought out the cardboard cut out of Yoda and the robotic R2D2 to accompany me.

We acquired R2D2 last Saturday at Southpoint mall in Durham. They had dozens of R2D2s in the window of The Sharper Image, and we just had to go in a take a look. R2D2 responds to your voice commands. He can sing, talk back to you, go on patrol, turn right and left and even monitor a room! R2 is pretty fun to have around, and it fit our theme quite nicely. Sydney is still a little wary of R2, but we've made a lot of progress from the initial barking and jumping fit last weekend.

We had about 20 or so trick-or-treators last night, and it was fun to see the kids' reaction when a costume clad adult answered the door and gave them candy. When we weren't handing out candy, Jason and I (in keeping with our theme) watched Episode 4: A New Hope on DVD. We had a fun night and decided to keep with our Star Wars Halloween tradition for next year.

PS - Can you spot Sydney in the background of the picture?


American Elephant said...

Photographic proof of the perfect wife.

Peggy said...

Great looking trio. Yes, I see a little of Sydney in the background. I can understand her concern about what her master is up to!

We had a Star Wars visitor at our office yesterday. I notified J. immediately - ask to see pix if you haven't already.