Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ace of Cakes

No, you haven't stumbled upon the Food Network's Web site - this cake is from the kitchen de la Bostic. For several days I've had the urge to make a cake. Why you ask? Yeah, I have no idea. I just wanted to make one. I didn't even really want to eat it. I just wanted to make it.

Right...sure you just wanted to "make" one and not dig into it the minute it was frosted with a large spatula and a glass of milk in hand...

It's true! I just had the need to bake! Actually, I must confess that I did have a modest piece of cake to taste my skills. Not too bad. I've made a few cakes in my day, and a few from scratch. I really prefer to bake from scratch - cakes, brownies, cookies. Mixes are great, and easy, and predictable. But the "old fashion" way is the best.

What's up with the blue dots?

They're not blue dots. They are cobalt blue polka dots, and I find it makes my cake fun with a touch of whimsy. Retro meets edgy. Blue meets white. Oh, who am I kidding. I had leftover blue icing from a cake I made a couple months ago. At least I am a resouceful cake baker!

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