Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pit bulls, Lipstick, Pigs...Oh My!

Unless you have been living under a rock the past couple of days, you are fully aware of the controversy surrounding Barack Obama's comment at a political rally on Tuesday. Just Google the single word "lipstick" and you'll see.
You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig. - Barack Obama
About a week ago at the Republican National Convention, Sarah Palin made her now famous joke saying that the only difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is lipstick.

Now, the Right is saying this was a direct attack on Gov. Palin by Obama. The Left is saying that in no way was this an attack on Gov. Palin. In fact, the pig/lipstick joke has been used by politicians in the past, including John McCain. So, says the Left, how can this be an attack on Palin when McCain himself used the joke last year?

Ah...key words there, Left: last year.

The Left is forgetting the all too important factor of context. You remember context, right? Oh wait...that's's all too easy to take things out of context so that it fits your political agenda (after all, you do it all the time in your campaign ads).

John McCain did use the lipstick/pig joke back in 2007, when he was referring to Hillary Clinton's health care plan. This was way before he had chosen Sarah Palin as his running mate and certainly way before he was considered even close to being the front runner for the GOP ticket.

Since the RNC, Palin's quip about pit bulls and hockey moms has become famous. And now suddenly Obama uses this joke at a rally...yet he says it wasn't directed at her, he wasn't calling her a pig, and this is just another fictional controversy cooked up by the GOP. Well, I find it hard to believe that Obama's joke wasn't about Palin. If you watch the video on YouTube, you'll notice the immediate laughter, hoots and hollars from the crowd as soon as he mentions the word "lipstick." They knew who the joke was directed towards. Why doesn't Obama?

The "Lipstick Bungle" at it has been called will surely die down soon and give way to another scandal. There's bound to be at least a few more before November. I just hope that in the meantime, a lipstick color comes out in honor of Palin. I'm thinking "Barracuda Burgundy" or "Pretty In Pink Palin."

1 comment:

REB 84 said...

The right-wing talking heads are up to their old tricks of distortion and distraction by playing the self-righteous victim over Barack Obama's 'lipstick on a pig' reference to the McCain campaign's claim to be change agents.

As usual, the news media is all over this little manufactured spat. However, I have not heard anyone mention another way of looking at this thing. Could it be argued that the G.O.Pig represents a continuation of the past eight years of bankrupt policies, and Sarah Palin is the young attractive lipstick that has been applied to this pig to make it more appealing?
