Friday, September 19, 2008

Bob's Out To Get You

I like to think of myself as a somewhat health conscious person. I walk the dogs almost every single day for an hour. I try to eat well (however, anyone who knows me knows that chocolate and ice cream are my downfall). If I was independently wealthy and didn't have to work, I would eat all organic foods and go to the gym every day, and walk my dogs at night. Then I would paint in the mornings and blog in the evenings. I would volunteer on a weekly basis and cook dinner every night. And laundry would never be out of control. And the bathrooms would always be clean..

Wait, this post is suppose to be about health and fitness, not my fantasy life.

So being that I am somewhat health conscious, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this article on Yahoo!
listing the worst breakfast foods in America. And the kicker of them all really made me laugh.

The Worst Breakfast In America
Bob Evans Stacked and Stuffed Caramel Banana Pecan Hotcakes
1,543 calories
77 g fat (26 g saturated; 9 g trans)
2,259 mg sodium
198 g carbs
109 g sugars

It’s not a good sign when it takes you nearly five seconds to spit out the name of your breakfast. This bad boy packs in more than 75 percent of your calories for the day, along with more sugar and fat than nine glazed Dunkin’ Donuts, and nearly as much sodium as five Bloody Marys.

Yikes! 1,543 calories! That is more than what I eat in a day (or what I strive to eat less than in a day). And 77 grams of fat? Are you kidding me? Wow. The sad thing about this is that the breakfast probably costs something like $4.99 while a healthy breakfast is much more expensive. (I won't go into how the media and all the experts complain and complain and complain about how obese America is when healthy food is extremely expensive and the crap you can buy at any fast food place is on the dollar menu. )

My breakfast of choice these days is plain Shredded Wheat with sliced banana and skim milk. Fiber! Fruit! Dairy! A true breakfast champion.

So, the lesson here kids? Stay away from Bob's place. He's clearly out to get you with his banana pancakes.

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