Monday, July 28, 2008

Political Watch Dogs

The other night, my husband and I were relaxing after dinner and quietly watching television. Suddenly, River and Sydney began howling, growling and otherwise barking their cute little heads off. Thinking this didn't sound like the usual growl when one of them spies a squirrel or rabbit in the front yard, we hopped up to see what all the commotion was about.

Approaching our front door was a young man holding a clip board and sporting an Obama '08 T-shirt. My husband went out to speak with the man as I held the dogs back and tried to quiet them down. I could hear Jason saying that we didn't support Obama or the Democratic party (his actual words were "I believe Obama is a socialist"), but then he shook hands with the guy and thanked him for what he was doing and being a part of the political process. As the guy moved on to the next house and Jason came back inside, I had finally gotten the dogs to calm down. Smiling, I patted each of them on the head and said, "Good girls. Barking at Democrats is good." I promptly rewarded them each with a Milkbone.

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