Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Sydney!

Today Sydney is 2 years old! She got a bath outside on the deck to celebrate. Probably not the best birthday present in her opinion, but much needed nonetheless.

Sydney came into our lives in September 2006. My husband got a speeding ticket on his way to work and ended up with 19 hours of community service as punishment. I agreed to do the community service along with him. One of my friends at work who is active with the Franklin County Humane Society suggested we work an adopt-a-thon at a Petsmart one weekend. So we did.

We volunteered on a Saturday and Sunday, handing out pamphlets to shoppers. A litter of puppies was "on display" during the weekend - seven lab mixes. The mom was rescued from the animal shelter and gave birth to her litter a week later. We noticed the cute pups on Saturday, but on Sunday we couldn't keep our eyes off the little ones. I was done in when I first held a curious little pup with a white chest - she looked like she was wearing a tuxedo. In the pin with her brothers and sisters, this one seemed to be the most alert, the most inquisitive.

The next thing we knew we were filling out the adoption paper work and were trying to think of a name for a new little daughter. We bought a leash, a harness, a toy and some food and made our way back to Cary. And our lives have never been the same since (you may think I'm exaggerating but dog owners get this feeling). We came home with our little bundle of joy and Jason turned to the Internet so we could begin brainstorming dog names. When Jason said the name "Sydney" I knew we had discovered the perfect name. And so Sydney it was. While Jason had grown up with dogs, Sydney was my first one, and she certainly has taught me a lot. She has so much personality, so much love for people and other dogs. She's still very curious, and mischievous, but I wouldn't have it any other way. She's one of my best friends, and I love being her dog mom.

Sydney, I love you so much! Happy 2nd Birthday! Love, your Momma

Always ready for a picture.

Sydney and her cousin Tucker.

Sydney and her big sister River.

Sydney is so sleepy!

Sydney is pooped after a game of soccer.

Sydney and her Momma.


Peggy said...

Sydney is a wonderful dog with a lively personality! She and her sister are so much fun to be around. Bring them to W-S for a visit sometime soon.

MomofK9s said...

Happy Birthday Sydney! I can't believe it has been 2 years! Hope you got lots of good treats!