Not all of the polls have closed yet, but it looks pretty clear that Barack Obama will become our nation's 44th president, and the first African-American president in our nation's history. This is quite an accomplishment, and on that fact and that fact alone, I congratulate Mr. Obama and take pride in the fact at how far our country has come in a relatively short period of time. Could anyone my parent's age imagined this 30 years ago?
However, we are doomed.
Barack Obama is a socialist. He is a brilliant politician who ran his campaign towards center political ideology in order to dupe about half of Americans in to voting for him. Don't like feeling duped? Yeah, neither do I, which is why I voted for John McCain and Sarah Palin. I, in fact, like being told the truth by my politicians.
But, let me get back to Mr. Obama. As if his questionable associations weren't enough - Bill Ayers, Reverend Wright, Tony Rezko, Rashid Khalidi, ACORN and who knows what other leftist organization or radical crazed loon he chooses to spend time with - we have NO IDEA HOW HE WILL GOVERN. Let me state this again: we have no idea how he will govern.
But wait, he has been an Illinois state senator and a US state senator. We too can get an idea from his senate record on how he will govern!Yeah, right. Mr. Obama is famous for the "present" vote as both a state and US senator. He started campaigning for the presidency, like, 115 days after he reached the US senate. He's known for being late to many senate hearings. We're not really sure how he will govern as president. All the American public has are snippets of his record as an elected official. And those snippets do not exactly fall towards moderate political ideology. They are far left, more radical than any decision most Americans would chose. But, as I mentioned earlier, Mr. Obama is a brilliant politician who obviously knows how to campaign in order to win.
Combine his questionable associations with his limited liberal voting record, and you have to wonder what the future holds. His character is questionable - he's on record saying that rural Americans cling bitterly to guns and religion. He wants to bankrupt the coal industry. He sat in the church of Reverend Wright for over 20 years. Reverent Wright married Barack and Michelle and baptized his two daughters. He straight up lied to us during the presidential debates about ACORN and Bill Ayers. There is strong evidence that he does not have Israel's best interest at heart. And we all know that he wants to spread our wealth. Um...I didn't vote for you, so could you please keep your hands out of my wallet, as I work hard for my money and at the end of the day I really don't have much left over to "spread" around to other folks.
I love this country. I question what we have just done. I worry who the American voter has chosen to be the 44th president. Just over 50% of our country is choosing a man to run our country who will most likely turn it in to a socialist society. So he gives a good speech. Big hooey. We don't elect speech writers into the Oval Office. We elect a leader, a role model, a person who will serve this country to the best of their ability, who will fight for our nation, our security against foreign threats and will protect our citizens at home and abroad.
Mmm...kind of sounds like the man I voted for.
Today, America has chosen to elect someone else. Who that someone is, we won't know until well after January 20. We can't know because we don't know what Mr. Obama will do in the White House. And with a Democratic stronghold in the Senate and House, I fear dark days lay ahead for our country.
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country..."
Our country has chosen to elect a man who wants the government to do everything for them. How far we have wandered as a people from that shining sentiment spoken by John Kennedy some 40 years ago...
God bless America, keep it safe in the years to come.