Wednesday, February 6, 2008

State of the Blog Address

Tonight I shall put forth my first State of the Blog Address. To my readers (all three of you) I appreciate your time in reading my blog. To my fellow bloggers, I applaud the dialogue you initate every day, and I am proud to be a part of the collective blogging voice.

The State of A Coffee To Go is strong. Though I have yet to faithly make a post every single day, I am striving towards this goal!

There is a good variety of content posted on A Coffee To Go. I make no atempt at hiding the fact that I am a Conservative, and thus my views are from the Conservative view point. But I believe if you regularly read my blog, you'll discover the variety of topics that I like to cover: politics, current events, Hollywood gossip, on-going daily events and activities, personal stories and anecdotes about myself, my husband and my dog, and occassionally a fun picture or two!

A Coffee To Go needs more comments. C'mon folks! I know you're out there! Make a comment! I'll love you for it...

A Coffee To Go is on the go indeed! Since beginning this blog back in September, I have traveled several times to Charlotte for a wedding and for work, accepted a new position at my current place of employement that will allow for even more travel, and I recently returned from Las Vegas, NV where I attended a conference for work. Next week I am traveling to Greensboro for work, and then I head off to Charlotte again at the end of the month for yet another work program (I'm in program planning now. What type of programs you ask? They are of the legal nature).

A Coffee To Go is routinely caffinated at the appropriate level. I start every day with a cup of joe (either from casa de Melanie or casa de Starbucks). This has been especially crucial since accepting my new position last month and I have been going into work earlier.

Overall, things are well in A Coffee To Go world. I hope that you will choose to continue reading this blog and I welcome your feedback and comments.

This State of the Blog Address was brought to you in part by Starbucks.


American Elephant said...

The state of this blog is strong indeed!

There, I commented, can I have a cookie? ;)

Seriously, love your blog and wit. I'm hoping to steal some of it for that website project we've discussed. Think you can write here more often and still spare a comment or two a week?

Will said...

I'll second the previous comment...I love reading! Love all the photos of Sydney, the more the better:)

Jane said...

Hi Melanie --

I am Jane, one of your mom's much younger friends. I met you and Jason at your mom's house a few years back. I often cycle with them during the summer. I have a blog too that also has 2 devout readers:

Your friend in caffeination,
