Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Life Unfinished

Heath Ledger

I've always thought Heath Ledger was a pretty good actor. I've seen several of his movies, the latest one being Brokeback Mountain. This was a difficult movie for me to watch, but nonetheless, I was completely astounded by the acting ability of Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal. I don't think there was any doubt in the minds of the American movie consumer that Heath was bound for even greater stardom than he already possessed. And Hollywood seemed to embrace the talent of Heath and place him in really good films. His was a career that seemed to have no ending, no limit. A life that was bound to be good, plentiful, and creative.

A life unfinished.

Celebrities die every year. What resonates with me about Heath's death is how completely unexpected it was. We all thought Britney or Lindsay would be found face down in an apartment with pills strewn about the floor. Not someone seemingly as solid as Heath Ledger. What strikes me even more about this tragedy is that Heath died at age 28. I'm 27 and my husband is 28. I can't imagine life being over now, after only 28 short years of living. How quickly time passes and how abruptly life can end.

Reports are floating back and forth on the Internet detailing the day's events and whether or not Heath's death was a suicide or accidental overdose. Whatever the cause, it's such a sad story, with the same tragic ending. There was so much more life left to live. And all that remains is a daughter without a dad, a family without a son, and a stunned community of fans and supporters without any answers.

“I'm not good at future planning. I don't plan at all. I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow. I don't have a day planner and I don't have a diary. I completely live in the now, not in the past, not in the future.” - Heath Ledger

1 comment:

Will said...

Good post. I really liked him too, the saddest part besides his little daughter is the fact that he had so much potential to become one of the greatest actors ever. Imagine someone like Tom Hanks or Johnny Depp never making it out of their early years. Sort of a selfish reason to be sad I guess. He'll be missed.