Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Time Disappoints

Sigh...If you read this blog on a regular basis, you probably know how I felt when I saw the cover of Time magazine.

I was literally stunned when I saw that Time had chosen Vladimir Putin as man of the year. Our relations are not really good with Russia at the moment and Time - an AMERICAN magazine - chose to put Putin on its cover and declare him man of the year.

Time states that Putin has stabilized the Russian government and taken strides to make it a strong country. Of course the magazine doesn't go into exactly how Putin accomplished all this - by imprisoning and poisoning dissenters of the Russian government and Putin's policies. And Russia is against sanctions against Iran that would disclose their nuclear weapons program. And on that note, there is no way that I believe for one second that Iran does not have a nuclear weapons program. So, lets see...Putin's tactics would get him arrested in America AND his government is in cahoots with Iran. Yes, I think that is the absolute most perfect reason to name him man of the year. Thanks, Time, for showcasing this upstanding world leader. Maybe next year you can choose Hugo Chavez as man of the year.

What about a true man of the year? One that has actually done some good? What about Moses Mathis of Fayetteville, NC who gave away 700 bicycles today to children of need in Cumberland County, NC. And he has been doing this for the past 16 years. What about LaDainian Tomlinson of the San Diego Chargers, who is 28 and spends his time off the field coaching youth football camps, handing out toys to inner city children and telling kids to work hard - it pays off. What about honoring Dustin Jerome Lee and his German Shepperd Lex, the 20 year old Marine who was killed in Iraq, and Lex (himself injured) stayed by Lee's side as he lay dying. Lex today was adopted by Lee's family even though Lex still had two years left of service. What about a school teacher, an animal rescue worker or a nurse? What about one of the Virginia Tech student who tried to save other students during April's massacre.

There are so many OTHER men and women of the year that Time could have chosen. So many other real, and deserving people that could have been on the cover, or at least named in the magazine. But these are the unsung heroes, the ones that you don't hear about because Time is too busy profiling people like Putin. While I am thoroughly disappointed in the magazine's choice, I'm not surprised. A runner up was Al Gore. And the other week Barbara Walters declared Hugo Chavez as one of the most fascinating people. It's the way our liberal media runs these days - highlighting and idolizing people that should not deserve their accolades. Maybe next year Time will actually profile a deserving person.

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